If you own a website or have run one for some time, you quickly learn that there is no particular formula for going about it. There are several approaches or tips to make your Website design more effective. You can build your own way, one brick at a time, one story at a time, and each visitor at a time.
This notwithstanding, it is important to follow a few tried and tested guidelines just to make sure that you are flowing with the trend and enriching your blog for optimum profitability. At the same time, it allows you to experiment with a different set of skills, ideas, and approaches from time to time. The growth of a website or blog, however, is primarily dependent on the effort you give it and how much you understand the “behind-the-scenes-“ operations, or what is commonly referred to as the back end.
In this discussion, we attempt to look at a number of ways through which you can make your website design more effective so that you reap the maximum benefit from it.
Tips To Make Your Website Design More Effective :

Customize According to Your Niche
Regardless of what your website aims to address, you will follow within a given category. It might be in electronics, clothing and fashion, sports, or a combination of two or more fields. Whatever your niche is, ensure that your website is relatable to your brand and one can easily associate it with the industry or category within which it falls.
You might be running an e-commerce site that combines a lot of elements including searching for items and even payment. It is important to ensure that your website is created in such a way that visitors find it easy to maneuver with tools such as designmodo bootstrap builder.
Go for Simplicity and Practicality
From a general perspective, we say that website visitors are lazy. In other words, they are looking for the quickest fixes, solutions, and answers to their concerns. In response to this, one of the best tips to make your Website design more effective is to build your website in a simple way so that it provides the solutions for your clients in the quickest way possible.
Bear in mind that you are building the website for your visitors and therefore it is important to make it as user-friendly as possible. Simplicity and practicality are central to the success of your website. Design it to first and foremost address the challenge and offer the solution. You can thereafter scale up your design as the website grows.
Remain Conventional:
Quite often, people are very resistant to change. They want the status quo to remain and things to be done the way they’ve always been done. To them, the world is rather perfect and better when things remain the way they’ve always been.
This also applies to website development. Since people are used to certain website layouts, it helps to remain conventional and use templates that can be interpreted easily or something they can simply relate to.
Be Consistent:
One of the best ways to establish your brand is to create something that people can identify with and retain for a long time. Consistency relates to retaining a certain format for long enough that people are able to identify with it. In this case, you have to choose your colors, font, format, and style carefully with the aim of retaining it for the long term. This is a point at which you need to plan in advance and retain your style.
It becomes confusing if you have to change the look of your website every so often. You need something that will stick in the minds of your visitors for a long time.
Make Your Site Interactive
The current trend in website development is to develop them in such a way that your audience can interact with you easily. One of the traditional and most popular ways of doing this is by enhancing subscriptions. However, chatbots have become a popular way of interacting with your audience and giving a quick response to important and Frequently Asked Questions.
It helps to give your website this kind of interface. You can also add a live interaction where visitors to your site can make audio or video calls to representatives. At the same time, ensure you put up a call-to-action interface for easier interaction.
Incorporate the Proper Plugins.
Plugins act as backend support systems for a website. They play a number of roles such as providing protection from external attacks as well as speeding up various processes and general performance of the website. Nonetheless, it might be an uphill task to choose the correct tools to fit accurately with your website design. Before settling on a particular tool, ensure that you understand its operations properly. Know what it will help you achieve and also interrogate its disadvantages.
Use A Mobile-Friendly Design
The number of people using their smartphones to access websites today has increased significantly. As you design your website, consider this segment of your audience and make efforts not to leave them out. Incorporating a mobile-friendly design ensures that your visitors are not limited to just people who have access to larger screens but also to people who are on the move.
One of the common challenges in designing a mobile-friendly website is ensuring that the fonts are equally legible on small screens such as smartphones. If your website was initially built on a layout that is not mobile-friendly, you may need to upgrade the layout to make it responsive. That’s a trend you cannot ignore.
Simple navigation
It looks from a user’s perspective i.e. how often a user visits a website and finds the navigation is cloudy and muddled? So, It is important to simplify the navigation for users. Simple navigation will immediately give you a traffic spike, even if you have content and need to map it out differently.
When you simplify your website navigation, some of the few things to remember-
- No more than seven items in your main menu.
- Users should be able to access any point of the website from any other area within 3 clicks or less.
- Keep fixed the navigation bar.
- Provide information labels and links in your navigation menu as much as you can.
- When it comes to tips to make website design more effective, simplified navigation should be one of the best tips.
Improve page speed
The page speed of your website is crucial for keeping users on the site. If a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, people will leave the mobile site. This is important for any type of website such as a business, blog, shopping cart, etc.
There are various important things to do to speed up your website. Such as-
- Optimizing images
- Reducing plugins
- Cleaning up themes and framework
- Use a Content delivery network (CDN)
- Consider the best hosting such as – Bluehost, Hostinger, HostGator
- Use limited redirects
So, Page speed goes hand-in-hand with other tips for making website design more effective.
SEO strategy
When it comes to improving the design of your website, people talk about SEO. Although SEO visually will not affect the front of your site, it is very important to have a good SEO strategy in place.
It will do a number of things to improve your website with proper SEO in place and allow you to rank higher your site in Google. Also, it will allow you to get properly indexed on search engines and to trend for what you want.
In addition, If your site does not have an SSL certificate, consider one. Who has these certificates, Google gives it a better ranking when it pushes the https protocol.
The design of your website and the entire layout are key to the success of your business. You must make all efforts to ensure that it is up-to-date with the current trends while maintaining the basic foundations of the website.
There is continued growth and competitiveness in the website and blog business. You must, therefore, ensure that at least the basic elements have been taken care of. Design forms part of this basic unit in the development of a website and will ultimately determine how best your website succeeds.