Are you facing problem while adding a stats dashboard on your WordPress Website? So don’t worry as through this guide we are going to help you and you will find the correct solution for your problem. You will be able to quickly view the stats that matter without leaving your WordPress admin area, and it will require far easier. The Analytics help you out to find out how people search and use your site and you can keep them coming back. Let’s have a look:-
Read Also: A Complete Guide On How to Add Google Analytics To WordPress
Why is stats dashboard needed on your site?
For adding stats dashboard on your site, install Google Analytics and view your result by logging into your Google analytics account. To set of Google Analytics stats, in-post reports and in-depth reports permit additional segmentation of your analytics data, giving performance information for every post or page from your site. By using some options and holders you can customize the tracking code of Google Analytics, giving permission advance data collection like custom dimensions and events. But on the regular basis, people don’t check their blog stats. Two main reason for that is:
- You have to log in to an individual site to verify the stats.
- You have to dig around Google Analytics to actually find what you are looking for.
Google Analytics reports are needed on your dashboard, on your All Pages and All Posts Screens, and on the frontend of your site:
- Page views, Sessions, organic searches, bounce rate analytics stats
- Locations, referrers, Keyboards, pages, 404 errors analytics stats
- Traffic channels, traffic mediums, social networks, search engines analytics stats
- Device categories, operating systems, screen resolutions, browsers, mobile brands analytics stats
Through this you can handle On the bases of user roles you can set the permissions to who can view specific Google Analytics reports of your site
Google Analytics will reports, in real-time, on your dashboard screen:
- Real-time number of visitors
- Real-time traffic sources details
- and Real-time acquisition channels
How to add stats to your WordPress site
First of all, you have to install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin. If you want to know that how to install a WordPress plugin, then read our guide.
After activation, you have to click on Insight >> enter your license key in the General setting. Within your account on the MonsterInsights website, you can find your license key.

Then, in the next step you have to connect your site with your Google Analytics account, by going to Insights >> Settings page and clicking on the ‘Authenticate with your Google account’ button.

It will send you to Google accounts, where they will provide an option to sign in or select a Google account if you are already signed in.

After providing email, click on ‘Next’ button.
Then in the next screen, MonsterInsights will ask you to access your WordPress Google Analytics account. Without giving permission you can’t go forward, so MonsterInsights can get the report back to your WordPress analytics dashboard.
Let’s go forward and click on the ‘Allow’ button to continue.
At last, you have to select the user’s profile, that one you want to track. Here you have to click on the Complete Authentication button to continue.

Now, you will be sended to back your WordPress site.
Now all, installation and setup of Google Analytics dashboard for your WordPress site are successfully done. If you are doesn’t installed Google Analytics on this Website before, then Google Analytics will take some time to starts and show your stats.
Viewing Your WordPress Stats Dashboard
Now that you have to set up Google Analytics using MonsterInsights, you can view your WordPress stats by visiting Insights >> Reports page.
Now, you will see a graph of views of your WordPress page and visitor sessions for the last 30 days on the top of your stats dashboard. At the top of the stats dashboard. It will provide you quick review of future traffic to your blog.
You can see the regularity the stats of your Website and to compare from last 30 days. It will display the number of sessions, session duration, page views counter, and bounce rate.
Next, you will get the charts that will show new vs returning visitors and devices used to visit your website. This chart is followed by people visiting your site from top countries and top referral websites providing you with the most traffic.
Some of the Best WordPress Statistics Plugins:-
- WP Statistics
- Jetpack by WordPress.com
- Google Analyticator
- Blog Stats by W3Counter
- WassUp Real Time Analytics
Final Thoughts
We hope this blog helped you to know that How to Add a Stats Dashboard On Your WordPress Site, In addition, keep an eye on the very blog and our website www.wpglobalsupport.com as: We will be adding more resources for WordPress in the coming weeks.
If you feeling any sort of difficulty then you can always take help from our WordPress Migration team. We will be glad to help you. To get instant support service, Dial: +1-888-738-0846. Our services are available for you 24/7.